What our customers say

Share a real testimonial that hits some of your benefits (but isn’t too sales-y).



Talk about some of the details of your offer with a focus on the value people get back.

Is there a pain point that your product or service resolves? Tell visitors about it here.

Feature 2

Feature 1

Feature 3

Alternatively, you could use this section to address some frequently asked questions.

Some more information about your business

Share a little about yourself as a business owner, or maybe describe what makes your product or service unique. Give visitors one more reason to care about your offer and want to buy from you.

Gain insights from our expert panel of speakers on the risks and
opportunities for S-REITs going overseas.

© The Edge Singapore 2022

Watch previous sessions

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By submitting, I consent to The Edge Singapore, using, disclosing and/or processing the data I provided, in order to contact me about products and services marketed by The Edge Singapore as well as benefits, promotions and rewards, via email or phone and using my contact particulars which The Edge Singapore may have in its records from time to time (including where applicable my Singapore telephone number(s).


Refreshments provided, limited seats only!
This event will also be available live on Zoom.


SGX Centre Auditorium, Shenton Way

Goola Warden

The Edge Singapore

Executive Editor,

Moderated by

Risks and Opportunities for S-REITs Going Overseas

Session 2

26 September 2022

7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Opening Address by

Senior Vice President

Global Sales & Origination

Ronald Tan

SGX Group

Chua Tiow Chye

Deputy Group CEO

Mapletree Investments

Shaldine Wang


Elite Commercial

REIT Management

Ronald Tan

Senior Vice President

Global Sales & Origination

SGX Group

Panel of Speakers

Sponsored by

Exclusive Event Broker

Sponsored by

Exclusive Event Broker

Registration starts at 7 PM.
Refreshments will be served after the event.