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© The Edge Singapore 2022

18 OCT



Amala Balakrishner

Senior Writer, The Edge Singapore




Anthony Zhang

CEO, Vinovest

The age old adage is that wine tastes better over time. The same can be said about wine investments. 

Data from Vinovest shows that wine investments had returns of 17% on average in 2020 and over 30% in 2021. This follows low volatility, reduced risk and resistance to inflationary pressures. 

Grab a glass of wine and join us to learn how you can enjoy strong returns by investing in wine.

Amala Balakrishner is a business journalist who reports primarily on macroeconomic trends, current affairs, investing ideas and financial markets. She has also hosted several Brokers’ Digest episodes that have touched on pressing stock market trends in the US.

Most recently, Amala was named Most Promising Journalist of the Year in 2021 by the Securities Investors Association (Singapore).

Anthony Zhang is the Co-Founder and CEO of Vinovest.  He is a repeat entrepreneur who has previously founded and sold two companies, EnvoyNow and KnowYourVC. He has also held leadership positions at Blockfolio and is a board member at RateMyInvestor.

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